This is Ward Almasarani who graduated on June in 2019 from Middle East Technical University in Turkey as Electrical and Electronics Engineer. Right after my graduation, I've started to work in an elevator landing operating and cabinet operating panels manufacturer company then I continued my career in Fire and security alarm systems manufacturer company as a research and development engineer in the following fields: Embedded systems development, PCB layout management and schematic hardware design. Since then, I've built my career over firmware bare metal development of STM32 over STM32CubeIDE , ESP32 over Eclipse integrated with ESP-IDF using C/C++ and Python Programming languages and PCB layout design using Altium Designer.
Being involved in several long term projects, allowed me to gain experience by working over various communication interfaces such as SPI, I2C, I2S, CAN, UART, USB CDC, USB DFU, USB MSC, BLE GATT/GAP and FAT, SPIFFS file systems. Dealing with real life problems not only boosted my debugging skills but also thought me how important it is to write a code that is expandable for more features in the future without forgetting about product backward compatibility while working on a project.
With more than four years of experience in embedded systems development, I am confident to be able to design robust products can be sold in the market just like I've done before and I am still always looking forward to learning something new. I would like to build a professional and long term relationship with the people I work with to ensure achieving successful projects.